Test Multiple Conditions Using Excel IFS Function

※ Download: If formula in excel with multiple conditions

Naturally, you can nest more IF functions if you want to. Hi Kawser Thanks for the blog. Keeping the table in a separate location on the spreadsheet and referring to it from a VLOOKUP function will make it much easier to change the contents of the incentive table. If TRUE, then calculate commission.

The SUMIF function looks at a range of cells, compares each value to a criteria cell or range of cells and, and adds up the value in a third range of cells whenever there is a match. I am trying and failing to structure a commission scheme on the same basis i.

IF & AND Functions in Excel VBA to Test Multiple Conditions - You'd need to add another IF function into the formula.

We are now going to see how to use the IF statement in conjunction with the AND Function in VBA, in order to test multiple conditions. Tuberculosis has been a disease that has affected mankind throughout the ages. The bacteria responsible for causing Tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis has even been discovered in ancient Egyptian mummies spinal cords, upon analysis. Poets and authors such as John Keats and Emily Bronte were thought to have suffered from Tuberculosis. In 2014, there were a recorded 9. At a hypothetical hospital, a medical technician is responsible for registering each patient that comes into the hospital and directing them to the departments they need, in the order that they need it. If the patient does not have AIDS, but one of the other opportunistic infections only or another disease, they bypass Ward One and go directly to the department they need. Read More: The source workbook is shown below. Using the Properties Window change the name of the label to lblconditionOne, change the BackColor to light orange, the font to Calibri, the size to 14 and the Caption to Name of Condition: as shown below. Using the Properties Window change the name of this combo box to cmbconditionhivAids and set the width to 90. By changing the Multiline value to true, we can accommodate more text since the text will continue in the lines needed. The first section: If cmbconditionOne. In this way, we are testing multiple conditions and combinations. Read More: 18 Now click on ThisWorkbook in the Project —VBAProject section as shown below. Show End Sub This code, ensures that when the Workbook is opened, the UserForm is launched. And there you have it, you can now select all the other combinations and have the results delivered. Download Zone Conclusion One can test conditional logic in a worksheet using the worksheet functions, IF, AND and OR. The IF statement and AND Function utilized in VBA provides a way to test multiple combinations while utilizing conditional logic. One can also use the IF statement in combination with the OR Function. Please feel free to tell us if you use the IF statement and AND Function in your VBA code often. Read More… Taryn is a Microsoft Certified Professional, who has used Office Applications such as Excel and Access extensively, in her interdisciplinary academic career and work experience. She has a background in biochemistry, Geographical Information Systems GIS and biofuels. She enjoys showcasing the functionality of Excel in various disciplines. She has over ten years of experience using Excel and Access to create advanced integrated solutions. ExcelDemy is a place where you can learn Excel, Data Analysis, and other Office related programs. We provide tips, how to guide and also provide Excel solutions to your business problems. I earn a small commission if you buy any products using my affiliate links to Amazon.


I now want that to do so for any given cell in A. Hope I make sense, and I hope you can help. For example, when sales fell between a minimum and maximum number. And, as usual, unlike how most other programming languages work, the syntax required in Excel is a bit different. If TRUE, then calculate commission. For more information, please see. Can someone, please help me in providing a formula. Hope this will help. Example 1 — Finding the Grade Based on the Score Suppose you have the scores for students in an exam as shown below column A and the grading conditions in column C and D. A formula example can be found.